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+91-988 824 1633

Our Locations

Chandigarh & Mohali



Medical / Dental

We produce high precision components and complete solutions in various fields of medical technology which are used in various fields of medical technology such as neurosurgery, dental implants, orthopaedics, orthology, trauma surgery and dental surgery.

Electrical / Electronics

Our precision parts are used in many areas of electrical engineering, electronics and instrumentation manufactured within narrow tolerances – accurately and precisely. Our high level of technical expertise can offer solutions perfectly tailored to your requirements.

Automotive Industry

Our precision components have numerous applications in the automotive industry. We manufacture quickly, flexibly and reliably and develop solutions for tomorrow, today. All precision components are manufactured in-house using complex cnc-controlled machinery.

Mechanical Engineering

We work in close collaboration with the mechanical engineering industry to develop innovative and reliable products for your specific applications. Our powerful machines allow us to respond to your requirements quickly and flexibly.

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